Friday, November 16, 2007


**The other day I was getting after Ginger in the car. Probably for unbuckling her seat belt. As I was talking, from Ginger's direction, I hear, "Here it goes again!"

**George- We have a lot of questions for mom because we love her.

**Standing next to the heater, Lucy is pooping in her diaper. She says, "I poop fire mommy."

**Another poop story. I went to get Lucy because the children informed me that she needed to be changed. When I get there Carson tells me that "the skunks have given Lucy a standing ovation", referring to her stink.

**Here is a funny picture of Carson and Callie I found. It was while we were living in Baker City, OR. It was a very hot summer that year. Carson was four and Callie was two. George was 8months.


Gina said...

You've got some winners there! Too funny!

Amy said...

How dang cute. Don't you LOVE the "poop" stories. It's either that or throw up . Take your pick. LOVE it !