Our new address is PO Box 96, Weed, CA 96094
If anyone needs any other information just email me from our profile page.
Here is our new view of Mount Shasta from the kitchen window of our new place. At a little different angle it is framed in the trees perfectly. The owner trader his neighbor a half an acre to cut down the trees that blocked the view.
We went to Reno a week and a half ago to visit some friends from Montana that were down from Idaho for a pig show. Ginger was ready to jump in with the pig but she was a little weirded out by petting it. She loves animals.
Here is Callie with some friends after their choir concert. Carson was in the concert as well, but I missed getting a good picture of him. I got some during the concert but the lighting was bad. I also recorded it on video.
Yeah! You are back. It's just not the same without the "Brown Family Blog Pioneer". Nice view.
What a view!!
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