Monday, February 09, 2009

Snow storm

A few days after we got to Utah there was a good size snow storm. The kids really ejoyed it!

This is a fun hat that Papa and Grammy sent from Korea. My mom said that all the kids wear these over there, even older children. Some hats have longer ties with mittens on the ends.

Thanks Aunt Diannah for the ride!

They didn't enjoy it so much when I needed to get them registered for school and I could not find my keys. We decided to walk to the school. The walk there was okay but it was a long walk home. It was an adventure. Diannah had left for work by the time I started looking for my keys.


Team Pettijohn said...

That is so funny about the hat. We bought one for Hazel that is a pink panda...she wears it all the time. Actually to be honest...there are some adults that wear them too. lol.

Amy said...

Love the cute fluffy hat. I want one. JK!!! Glad you guys made it here safe. Have you found a place to live yet? Our boys are loving the new fresh snow.