On the 21st we were invited to a tropical island party by David's boss. It was his daughter's sweet sixteen party. It was a bit awkward, but the kids and I hadn't met David's boss before so it was a nice opportunity to do so. There were a lot of fun things to do.
Center pieces!
I'm kidding, she was just posing beautifully for a picture!
All you can eat cotton candy, snow cones, hot dogs, nachos, and popcorn.
Some natives even showed up!

Although, she would pose with another guest, Edward Cullen!
Callie also enjoyed showing off her hula hooping skills. There was a competition but people kept bumping Callie which was sad at times. On the forth competition she finally made it through and got to pick a prize.
There was also Gilligan's Island playing in one corner, a bean bag toss and a ring toss for the little ones, and dance dance revolution going on in another corner.
There was much fun that was had by all and it was good to meet David's boss and his wife.
Callie also enjoyed showing off her hula hooping skills. There was a competition but people kept bumping Callie which was sad at times. On the forth competition she finally made it through and got to pick a prize.
There was also Gilligan's Island playing in one corner, a bean bag toss and a ring toss for the little ones, and dance dance revolution going on in another corner.
There was much fun that was had by all and it was good to meet David's boss and his wife.