Monday, March 23, 2009

Ginger's birthday!

Last Sunday was Ginger's 6th birthday. I can't believe how fast Ginger has grown. It seems like yesterday that we were at the hospital with her. What joy she has brought to our home. Always smiling and making us feel happy.
Ginger loves to sing, dance, draw, and color. She loves to go to Kindergarten and socialize with her friends. She is always good at coming home and relaying to me all the playground drama.
For Ginger's birthday we got her and the older children tickets to the U.S. National Amateur Dancesport Championships at BYU. The older kids weren't that thrilled with it. Callie got more excited once she saw some of the dresses and Carson got excited once he started recognizing some of the music. George would have preferred a basketball game. George asked me at the beginning if my sister, Aunt Nancy, did this (the dancing) and I said no. He said, "oh yeah, she's a nurse."
Ginger loved it all!


Rachel said...

happy birthday ginger! Jonah turns 6 tommorrow! I can't believe it either, they grow too fast!

Unknown said...

How fun!

Audra said...

awwww- they get so big so fast! happy bday Ginger!

I forgot about the little baby boom our ward had around this time 6 years ago...Ginger, jonah, corynn, benjamin... all within a few weeks! crazy!