Saturday, September 11, 2010

Car repair

We have been having trouble with coolant leaking from somewhere in our suburban.  So today, being pay-day, I thought to call around to auto shops.  Being in a new city I thought, where do I begin.  So I decided to call our trusty home teacher for his opinion, since he is from here. Home teachers are men in our congregation at church that are assigned to come to our home once a month and kind of watch over us.  All members of the congregation have some.  It helps everyone to care and watch out for others.  Anyway, I called one of ours this morning and he happened to have a son-in-law that worked for a Saturn dealership for 17 years but was laid off and was now going to school(aviation mechanic).  So our home teacher called his son-in-law, his son-in-law called me and by 10pm tonight the car was fixed and he probably saved us about $250.  The Suburban had a bad thermostat, water pump, and serpentine belt. 

It was a good day. 


Allison @ Allie Browns Layouts said...

That is so awesome!

This post personally touches my heart because I'm one of seven kids and there was always something wrong with our van. And whenever something went out (like another transmission, or the starter, or heaven forbid, the ENGINE needs replacing--for the third time) we knew that it would be a hard time for us when it came down to money.

I never understood why my parents wouldn't buy a new van. My mom would always say "it's cheaper to fix up the car every now and then than to make a new car payment each month".

I know just how much of a blessing it is to find "good deals" on car repair. I remember specifically wanting to marry a guy who was knowledgeable on cars so that my family wouldn't have to suffer with having to pay someone to check and repair our car.

Sure enough, Loren fits that bill and has saved us a lot of money. Sure, there are times when we'll need to take the car to a repair shop, but for the most part, we've found good people who treat us well and don't over price us.

I understand just how great this blessing is for you and I'm happy for that!

Amanda said...

It was a real blessing. Thanks Allie.