Saturday, March 03, 2007

'94 singles temple trip

Rachel reminded me of a trip to Washington D.C. that David and I took right before we started dating. It was actually a group of singles from church that went up to the D.C. temple.

David was in the Army and stationed in North Carolina. My dad was also in the army and was stationed there as well. I was home from school and we met in Nov. of '93. At the time I had noticed David and liked him. I was trying to get noticed by him so I wanted to make sure David went on this temple trip. My friend Amy, the girl in the picture, convinced me to ask him if he was going which he said no. So it was our mission to convince him to go. I guess it worked. We even got another friend of ours to go. That would be Peter, the guy next to David in the picture. Peter was a good guy but had a lot of issues.

The plan was for our singles group to meet at the chapel on post and then drive six hours to D.C. David, Peter, and Amy were going to drive with me in my dad's truck. The night before, I was washing all of my whites to have clean for the temple. It was about 11pm and I could smell something burning. I had three bras in the dryer that had melted. I know, your not suppose to dry bras in the dryer. I had a broken one that I could wear till we got to a mall the next day, but it wouldn't last long. We found a mall and Amy and I ditched Peter and David to go shopping. We did it with out them knowing what for too. It was silly but I wasn't about to put anything into their heads.

So we got there and went straight to the temple to do baptisms. Some did endowments and others went to the visitors center. This was also David's first time to go into the temple. It was very nice. After the temple, we all went to the hotel. There was two rooms for the guys and two rooms for the girls. From there we walked to a Chinese restaurant near by, which was fun. These are pictures from our walk to and from the restaurant.

That night I had to prepare a talk for sacrament meeting on Sunday so I asked David if he would help me. Smooth eh? We prepared a little but we did talk a lot about other things. The next day we all had breakfast together except David and Peter. They went and had a big sit down breakfast across the street while the rest of us had McDonalds. I would have gone with them but I didn't want to seem to clingy. From there we all went sight seeing around town with the plan that everyone would drive home that night. We left about 5pm to get back by 11pm. While driving David and I were able to talk a lot more and really felt a connection. It was pretty much from then on that we dated. To be continued....


Audra said...

Its so cool to hear "where it all began!" Can't wait for the next part!

Rachel said...

Don't you love to look back and see what you were wearing? I always cringe and think to myself, how could I wear that? I think Alan and I met in 1993 too.

Christy said...

Aaah, the clothes!!!