Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A blustery day

On the 9th of October it was overcast and very windy. I picked George up at 3:30 and came home. While in the living room I heard some wood cracking. I was waiting for the roof to fall in. When that didn't happen I checked the deck and everything looked fine. I went around the house and saw the neighbors shed had been hit with a tree. The grey tarp to the left is part of our property. Our neighbor comes up every once and while so they weren't around. That is their little log cabin and the shed was right next to it.

I called David and he called the volunteer fire department to check for any gas lines or electrical lines. They came out and checked for any immediate dangers. There were none. They put a tarp over it till they contacted the owners. The realtor that is trying to sell the house we are in came out after hearing it was our place. I informed him it wasn't and he told me the owners live in Redding, an hour away.

The firefighters told me it was a dead tree that fell. It was right in the middle of the cabin and the shed. Cracking wood is one of the worst sounds. I'm just glad it wasn't our house. I later hurried to go pick up Carson and Callie from choir.

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