Thursday, January 10, 2008

A little more snow came our way

Here is the church in Mount Shasta.
That is George sitting on the pile of snow that had slid off the roof.

The boys were wanting to build a snow cave. They had more fun throwing snowballs and climbing on the snow.

Ginger gave this look when I put her up there but I missed it, so I had her reenact it.

Here is a park down the street from the church.

The first and the last picture are from yesterday. The others are from today.

Callie has been sick with a sore throat and swollen glands the last two days, so all the girls have been home. Yesterday we had a High School Musical double feature and today we did PS2 High School Musical Sing It(Karaoke). Of course Callie was feeling better today. Its funny to watch Lucy sing the songs. I guess its funny to watch all of them do it. Carson really gets into it. George won't do it though. He did it one night after the other kids went to bed. He doesn't like singing like the others do.


Audra said...

Wow, girl! That's pretty serious sledding snow! I bet the kids just love it!

Hope the little ones are feeling better!

Rachel said...

That is a ton of snow!

I wanted to get a PS2 just to get the sing along and dance things that go with it for Bekah, I'm thinking next Christmas, but sometimes Alan finds them on e-bay so maybe earlier.

Hollie said...

Holy Cow! That is so much snow!!!!! It's like you live in Montanna or something. How many inches did you get?

Ya gotta love that High School Musical:) It's a lot better than Grease we all used to watch!

Nick + Liz said...

fun fun fun, snow snow snow... "Grease is the word"

wendysue said...

that is crazy snow! I'm sure the kids loved it!

Funny about the singing, Madison was just reminding me the other day about when we would sing in Primary and Carson was always my best singer!

Unknown said...

That is beautiful snow! I am wanting to get the Karaoke too but was thinking it might be more fun when Aubree knows how to read the words herself.

Anonymous said...

It's beautiful snow, Amanda! Looks like you guys had tons of fun too. We had more snow in the early part of winter but now just the bitter cold. How cold is it there ?

Still miss you guys a lot! I just wonder if our path will ever cross yours again? I hope it will...


Team Pettijohn said...

I don't even remember what that much snow looks like...that is crazy! We had what they called a "Snowstorm" and it was all melted by noon, yet the road condition warning was Amber so we weren't supposed to drive anywhere. I don't think the powers that be have ever been to Utah if they think that was bad. It sure looks like fun! Tell everyone hi from us!