Saturday, February 16, 2008

Valentine's Day

Growing up, my dad always got his girls, mom, myself, and my three sisters, a flower and some chocolates on Valentines Day. That is something that I have always cherished. I am pleased to see David doing the same for his girls. I was sick yesterday so I was glad to do without the chocolate. Ginger walked around the house half the day with her flower and once she said, "Now, I'm a real princess."

Callie arranged her flower in the vase she got 3 years ago, from Grammy, Papa, and her aunts, when she was in the hospital with a kidney infection. Lucy was just excited to be like her sisters. Callie had her clothes to wear to school on Valentines Day picked out two days in advance and she bought some magnetic heart earings with her birthday money to wear as well. Callie also got up at 6:30 to put hot rollers in her hair. She said to us,"Its okay to dress up for school." She was so excited to exchange valentines that she had them made a week before Valentines day all by herself. Anybody that knows me knows that I am not crafty that way so it made me happy to see Callie expressing herself.

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