Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Carson and shots

Our county's health department is in Yreka that is a half an hour away so they come to our area once a month to do immunizations. Lucy and Ginger were due to have some done so I took them in. While I was there I found out the Carson, Callie, and George all need two shots each. I could have waited till next month or hurry and get them out of school. Just to get it over with I went and got them all. When I picked up Carson he came down the hall and Lucy broke the news to him. She said, "Mom is getting you shots." He looked at me and immediately began to panic. He has never done well at all with the shots. He cried all the way to the elementary school to pick up the other kids and all the way to the office where the health department was giving the shots. He kept saying "I'll do it later." "Please Mom, please Mom." over and over again. He made a big scene in the waiting room. I took him in first and he was screaming. I held him on my lap and held his arms and legs down. Right after the first shot he stopped crying and screaming and said, "That didn't hurt." with a little bit of surprise in his voice. We finished with the next one and he picked out his band aids. He went out and informed everyone in the waiting room that it only hurt a little bit. I am so glad to have that over with, that is why I didn't wait another month. I didn't tell him that he has to go back in 6 months to get a booster. The other kids did just fine. Callie was a little cranky because she was missing social hour, oh, I mean recess.

1 comment:

zopopee said...

i am right there with you carson. i still have to look away when i get shots. at least it is over...hahaha!