Wednesday, August 20, 2008

First Day of School

Well, today is the day. The kids are entering another school year. Carson is in 5th grade, Callie in 4th, George in 2nd, and Ginger in kindergarten. Lucy is a little sad to have to stay home with Mom. We'll have lots of fun though. They were really excited and nervous this morning. Carson told me he woke everyone up at 5am. If only that excitement would continue throughout the whole year.

Its another new school for them. Carson did just fine this morning going into his class. His teacher is the wife of his baseball coach from the spring. She remembered him which was nice. Callie on the other hand looked like she was going to l it. She is so like me its not even funny. She will do fine though. Carson and Callie both have classes with 30 kids and that makes me nervous a lot. George's and Ginger's classes both have from 15 to 20 which is much nicer. George did fine going to class as well. Ginger will go meet her teacher in about an hour and stay for an hour. She is bouncing off the walls with excitement.

Here is a car that was in the parking lot this morning. I thought the saying was funny.


canihavethisdance said...

I can't believe that Ginger is going to kindergarton! She was just a baby when we first met your family. All of your kids are growing. What a cute family!

Rachel said...

I sent Jonah to kindergarten last Friday. He rode the Bus. It was so strange putting him on the bus at home and that was it. I went inside and cried.

Cindy said...

I hope that it went great!

Amy said...

How fun! They all look so nice in their school attire. gotta love the sticker on the car. NICE! hope they have a GREAT day!

Gina said...

Hi! Hope the first (and second) day(s) went well.

Gina said...

I can't believe you have Debby Boone on your playlist. I used to have that 45 and I would sing it into the vacuum cleaner handle.

Amanda said...

I remember. I loved that song. It was in Kentucky. I have a very vivd memory of us all listening to it in the kitchen.

Team Pettijohn said...

Your house must be so quiet are you enjoying it? I bet Lucy will love the one on one time with mom.

Nick + Liz said...

I remember Gina singing that song.