Wednesday, September 14, 2011

My Hero!

Yesterday after dropping George off at the YMCA for break dancing class(yes, I said break dancing.  he loves it), I could hear air coming from the suburban's right rear tire.  Sure enough there was a screw lodged in it.  So I thought, I could call our roadside assistance, change it myself, or have Carson do it.  So we had an hour before we needed to take more kids to the YMCA and we needed the experience; Carson lets change a tire.  Carson did such a good job getting the jack out/ready and loosening the bolts.  I took these pictures and texted one to David.  David called and had the idea of taking it to Les Schwab.  I figured I got home from the YMCA, it would get me to Les Schwab. 
So I piled the Ginger, Lucy, and Carson in the car and headed to the YMCA(which was right near the Les Schwab).  Ginger and Lucy had gymnastics and Carson had a teen fitness class.  Callie stayed home with Liza.  I love having children that can stay home with the little ones.
While the kids were at the Y, I got the tire fixed for nothing.  Carson didn't mind giving up the task of changing the tire but seeing him jump into it at the beginning, I don't doubt at all that he could have changed that tire.
By the way, I don't have any pictures but last week Carson recieved his star rank in scouts.  Way to go Carson.

 Nice shoes huh?!

1 comment:

Gina said...

Carson's the man!