Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I got my shoes!

Today the girls and I went up to Yreka(30 minutes north) with David to do some shopping for work. When we came home I was distracted by getting Carson and Callie to piano and getting homework out of the way. David was expecting a package today or tomorrow so when I saw a package up against the door I assumed it was David's. I brought it in and tossed it on the table. I told David that his package had come so he started opening it. After a minute or two of dealing with the buzz of children talking David said, "Did your mother send you these?" I said, "What" and went over to see what he was talking about. When I saw the shoes I said "I got the shoes, I got the shoes." with my voice growing louder and a little higher in pitch.
In the beginning of September, while reading Christy's blog I was so generously reminded to check out the Ryka offer. Since entering I have received a weekly email telling me I hadn't won anything. And today I find shoes on my door step. What a surprise!!After a minute or two, I was still stunned, David told me to try them on. They fit perfectly and were so comfortable. You know what this means now? I have to start running!


Nick + Liz said...

Congratulations! Exciting!

Christy said...

Wow! I'm so glad you won some shoes! These look a lot like the ones I got.

Rachel said...

That is so exciting! I won two t-shirts from the Ryka offer. I wanted to trade the t-shirts in for the shoes! I usually never win anything so I'm still excited. It's good to know they are comfortable shoes though.