Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Potty talk!!

Last Monday I attempted to put Lucy in panties for the day. Within an hour she peed three different pairs. Lucy is a very bright little girl and I wondered why she wasn't catching onto the whole concept. I had attempted other times but when it failed I put a diaper on because we would be out of the house for few hours. After her little accidents I was talking to David on the phone at work and telling him of my frustration. I told him maybe she just isn't ready yet. Within 10 minutes of that call to David, Lucy stops what she is doing and runs to the bathroom saying, "I have to go bathroom." She sits on the toilet and poops. I was shocked. Ginger and I made the biggest fuss over Lucy's accomplishment. I then had Lucy call David to tell him the good news. We also called one of my sisters. A little while later she ran to the bathroom to pee, successfully I might add. Within this past week Lucy has done wonderfully. We have had a few accidents but hey accidents happen. I went to Redding yesterday to do some shopping and she had no accidents. I was so ready to give up when I was talking to David on the phone last Monday. Callie has been a huge help with it. If I am busy, she is willing to help Lucy go to the bathroom. Lucy has stayed dry at night as well. Hooray!


Audra said...

yippy! Go LUCY! Keep up the good work!

Amy said...

What a BIG girl Lucy. WOOHOO !

Team Pettijohn said...

Way to go Lucy...all grown up and going in the potty. That is something I am not looking forward to doing...I would totally be frustrated too. Hey loved the blog about San Fran. I want to share your love of Korean Food and told Matt I want to get into as soon as the baby comes if not sooner. He's in no rush which is funny. However we did fill a huge bag full of Jelly Bellies up at the commissary...mmmmmm!

Cindy said...

Yeah for Lucy!

Anonymous said...

Hi Amanda, it's been a while since I come around the blogs. Enjoy your post as I always do... Just a little shocked that how quick the children grew. Lucy is now potty trained. Last time I saw her, she was a new born. Ofcourse it was way over 2 years or more so. Time goes too fast... My Emma, which was not even born when I was in Lincoln, is 2 now. And Ginger, she's FIVE!!! Hard to believe!
Your girls are gorgeous. I hope all is well with your family.

For a moment I thought your family moved to Korea, LOL!



Unknown said...

Yeah! That is such a great feeling when it finally clicks!