Sunday, August 31, 2008


Today our family was assigned to speak in Sacrament meeting. On Thursday I got a phone call from our ward music director asking if there was a particular theme for the meeting that we would be talking about. I told her, I didn't know we were speaking and I will have to call my husband to see about this. I sent David a text asking him. After a few minutes he called me back and said yes and that he totally forgot. Well, what do you do? At least I had some days this week without the worry of it all. Carson and Callie both spoke with David and I. They are such good troopers. Callie spoke on Baptism and Carson spoke on what he can do to prepare to serve a mission in 8 short years. The other children were excited to sit with the bishops family. In this ward they let you choose your topic which I find is very hard. I spoke on 2 Nephi 25:26 and David spoke on Capt. Moroni and how we can build barriers in our own lives.

Curtis there was a son-in-law of one of our ward members that was visiting today. He served in your mission. Keate is his last name.

Pictures are always nice to see so here are some pictures of the girls before church today. Lucy asked for curlers last night. She was so excited when we took them out this morning that she said, "Yay, I look like Annie!". Ginger wanted curlers as well but her hair is soooo straight. It would have looked funny. Maybe when its long again.


Gina said...

I wish I could have heard your talks, especially Carson's and Callie's. Duncan and I spoke last week. I'm glad that's over for a while. The girls look so pretty.

Dennis said...

I spoke yesterday too. It was my first Sunday to sit on the stand with the Bishopric - I was shaking - the whole concept seems so sureal. Now I have to ask people to speak in sacrament meeting - any takers? Now that is going to be awkward. Dennis

Amy said...

Oh your girls are SO pretty. We had to sing as a family last week in Sacrament and say the opening and closing prayer. Sigh...I'm SO glad to be done with that. I bet you guys did great.