Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Carson and the Dentist

Carson covering his ears while watching the 4 of July fireworks. He talks tough but is very sensitive.

About three weeks ago the whole family went to the dentist. It had been awhile! David has strong, cavity-free teeth but I on the other hand do not. Everyone, but Carson and I, came out with a good report. So, today Carson and I went back. I had to get an old filing fixed and a new one. Carson needed four filings. Now Carson is terrified of needles so he was extremely nervous about going. I told him the dentist would give him some nitrosoxcide to help him feel comfortable and calm. I didn't really notice any affect it had on him. When we got there he was taking big long breaths. There were a few moments, while in the chair, that a tear or two rolled down his temples. He did such a good job though. He wanted to hold my hand which is rare from Carson. It makes me smile. He's my oldest and some day he won't want to anymore. I'll take any chance I can get. Although it wasn't FUN at the dentist, it was neat to spend a little time alone with him. With five little ones I forget how important some one on one time is for the parent and the child. I need that time to be reminded of that sweet spirit Heavenly Father sent and overlook the boy who rolls his eyes every time I tell him to take out the garbage, practice piano, or brush his hair. That eternal look of things makes the trying times more bearable. Anyway, Carson only had one done today so we might have some more dental stories later on.

Ok, I didn't want to bring this up but I will. He really had two filled today because the dentist got confused about which tooth to drill. They were both baby teeth, one had a cavity and one didn't. Should I have been upset? She didn't charge for the second filing.
I am so ,"oh, its okay.", sometimes I feel lame.

Carson was breathing hard and nervous like I said. The dentist told him if it started to feel uncomfortable to raise his hand. Well, Carson raised his hand if he felt anything and she would stop. I had an appointment during his so I left to get my mouth numbed. While the "juice" was working on me I went back to check on Carson. The dentist came over and said that she had gotten the teeth jumbled with all the commotion and that she would need to fill the other tooth. She said there would be no charge for the other and that they would do it white. (I was having them do silver because the cavities were in baby teeth) I said, "oh that's fine, you can just do it silver". I mentioned the whole thing to others and they were shocked. I don't know. It didn't seem like a big deal then.


wendysue said...

Ok, I totally have to pipe in here. . .being a dental hygieniest and all. .
I will be honest, it happens (drilling the wrong tooth)--but it shouldn't. I know in our office, our assistant working with the dentist always double and triple checks the chart and the mouth to make sure which tooth they're doing. So, there isn't an excuse for it, no matter, how big the "commotion". I know totally how you feel though, I always just say, oh, it's ok (to whatever), then go home and mull it over and think of 1,000 things I should have said. If it's bothering you maybe you could write a letter. Just to express your concern. Not that you're expecting credit or whatever for the other filling--the one she was supposed to do (although you may get it), but just on principle . . .that you're not sure what big commotion could cause her to treat the wrong tooth, and thank goodness it was not a permanent tooth that he would have the rest of his life. It is a baby tooth, but he'll have it until he's 11-12 (I'm guessing it's a baby molar). I also would remember or have her write it down so if something happens with that filling (a cavity under or around it) that it would be fixed at no charge. It's sounds like she's a good dentist (at least she told you honestly what happened), and really just made a mistake, but that doesn't mean you can't say something about it.

And good job to Carson. . .that's tough for a kid, but it sounds like he was fine. Usually once that pinch of the shot is done they're fine and don't even notice what's happening. . .

Molly had to get a couple of cavities fixed and I just sent her back by herself (really that's the best way, so she doesn't act up for me!) and I thought I had explained everything to her but she came out and I said, "were you a little nervous?" and Molly said, "Yeah, I thought they would KILL me." ok, she's a LITTLE dramatic.

Miss you!

wendysue said...

Ok, really, I can spell my own profession. . .it's dental hygienist. . .not hygieniEst. . .

Hollie said...

This is good information for the future. Sorry for Carsen though:(