Sunday, January 07, 2007

Who is their mother?

I'll gladly claim these angels!!!! Here are some of our crazy moments over the past month or so.

Lucy loves to be into everything. Although, I was surprised she had the guts to climb on the piano like that.

Yum! this paint water is good.

Lucy, just like her sisters, loves to have pretty hair.
I'll do something to her hair then just rave about it and tell her to go show someone. She loves to show her daddy.

Ginger, need I say more. She loves to wear dresses and shoes. She usually has my old high heel shoes and Callie's long skirts on. Then she takes every opportunity to escape outside. She loves being a girl.

George, falling asleep in the car. How comfortable is that?

George made his own mustache out of scotch tape. He's become quite creative since he began Kindergarten.

Carson's lounge wear after church. My dad used to leave his navy calf socks on then wear those "cool" jamz pants, like MC Hammer, after church. He usually had meetings later on in the evening.

Callie got the crown and veil with the Rapunzel Barbie for Christmas. This is Princess Callie coming back from taking out the garbage.


wendysue said...

Love the pics!!

Rachel said...

Jonah has been painting with those watercolor paints. Sam gets up in the chair after Jonah is done and eats the paint! Good thing it is non toxic. So good to see all the kids, they grow so much in a short amount of time.

Hollie said...

Great Pictures. Man, Lucy has a lot of hair. It makes me wonder if Mckenzie is ever going to have hair.

Deb said...

I love the pictures. The one of Carson with his socks is awesome! Argyle socks rock!

Audra said...

Cute pictures- the kids are getting big! Tell Ginger hi from her old nursery teacher!