Saturday, January 06, 2007

We've recovered

It is no fun being sick over the holidays. David took the Callie, Ginger, and Lucy to an urgent care and had them checked for strep. Before the tests came back the doctor had already written out a prescription for all of them and gave them to David. The tests came back negative. Ginger and Lucy seemed to be improving but Callie still wasn't feeling well. She missed five days of school. two days after she went to the urgent care I decided to take her back to the doctor. It was a different office than before. I was concerned because she had had that kidney infection two years ago. I had them check her urine too plus strep again. After struggling to get her to pee in a cup her strep test came back positive and her urine did also. So we got a stronger prescription for her and I told the doctor that I was just going to put Ginger on her antibiotic without being tested again. A few days later Carson and George had a slight fever and some stomach issues. It was the Friday before Christmas and I just wanted to make sure that it wasn't strep. We would be visiting my brother Curtis and his family on Christmas. Well, the boys test came back positive too. I then decided to go ahead and use Lucy's prescription and get everyone on antibiotics. The next day David went in to the urgent care and he was positive. I never got checked but seem to be okay. It was so confusing having all of them on different schedules with their medicine. Anyway we all survived and had a nice Christmas. I'll write more about that later, I seem to be behind.


wendysue said...

Yuck, yuck and more yuck. No fun. Madison ended up with strep that Friday before Christmas and Whitney with a sinus infection. I was so glad I decided to go ahead and get them appointments and get them feeling better before Christmas. Glad you're on the mend!!

Hollie said...

Wow! You guys were sick! I hope you are all feeling better and that you didn't catch any of that.

Right now Mckenzie has croup and it is no fun! I can't even imagine five of them sick or I guess six. You are amazing!