Monday, September 10, 2007

Knock on wood

Today I was at the grocery store and met a sister from my ward. One of her daughters is the same age as Ginger so the girls were playing in the aisles together. We were talking and she asked me if any of my kids had put something in the cart and had made it past the cashier. I told her no. She told me that hers had gotten little things by. Well we talked a little more and then parted ways to continue our own shopping. Going through the check out Ginger asked for candy as usual and I gave the usual answer of "no". I paid for everything and then went to the car. Putting the bags in the car Ginger gets a smile on her face and reaches in a bag and pulls out a package of that pink Bubble Tape. (She loves pink) First thing I did is make sure I paid for it, which I had. Then I confiscated it. After getting everything in the car I realize that I forgot to pay for the case of water on the bottom of the cart. I unbuckled the girls and returned to pay for it. Where was my brain?

Way to go Ginger, for getting something past your mother. I've got my eyes on you. :D


Audra said...

sneaky little thing! Corynn is going through an ornery stage right now so I can relate!

Rachel said...

Don't feel bad about forgetting to pay for something, I've done that more than once! The clerks are always so surprised that I came back in, especially for just a tube of toothpaste!