Thursday, September 20, 2007

Madame President!

Every month in Callie's class at school they elect a class president. She was very exited to write a speech and give it in front of the class. She didn't know what to say though. I told her of one of the YW in our ward who is the junior class president. I suggested that Callie call her and ask Emma, the YW, for some advice. They talked for just a minute, Emma suggested Callie give some reasons that would make her a good class president. Then with a little help from David and I she wrote this speech. It sounds better with her reading it.

She was very excited to come home and tell us she and another girl were both elected. Callie is over half the class while Emily, the other girl, is over the other half. The other girl is also LDS. I guess giving talks pays off.

1 comment:

Gina said...

Way to go Callie! Good luck as class president!