Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Tagged again

Each player answers the questions themselves. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment letting them know that they’ve been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answers.

The Five

Ten years ago…
1. We were fighting bees in our in our 3rd floor Wymount Terrace apartment at BYU. They were coming out of the fan in the bathroom. Carson got stung once. It lasted for a few months because they couldn't tell where they were coming from. BYU housing thought we were crazy because the bees would come out a couple at a time.
2. Carson was about to turn 1.
3. I was getting over morning sickness with Callie.
4. David had started classes at BYU and working at the MTC.
5. Carson and I would watch "Little House on the Prairie" every night a 6pm on KBYU just before bed. Carson would go to bed without a peep at 7pm. He was a dream baby.

Five things on today’s “to do” list…
1. Garbage day!!!
2. Clean, clean, and clean some more.
3. Go to the lake with some friends this afternoon.
4. Find a babysitter for tomorrow so I can get my hair done.
5. Go to bed earlier.

Five snacks I enjoy
1. Oreos
2. bowl of cereal
3. ice cream
4. chips and a soda
5. cucumbers and carrots with ranch

Five things I would do if I was a millionaire…
1. Give a million to each of my family members and David's family.
2. Put some away for our future and our children's future
3. Buy some land and build our dream house
4. Invest
5. Donate to the church and other charities

Five places I have lived…
1. Oregon,
2. Portugal,
3. Germany,
4. Korea,
5. North Carolina, and a few other places.

I am tagging Gina, Audra, DeAnn, Cindy, and Rachel.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Families are Forever

My grandmother passed away today in Utah. She'll be buried in Florida next to Papa. After almost 26 years of being without her sweetheart, she has been reunited with him. She would have been 88 years old next Tuesday, August 5th.

Before my mission I took a road trip with her to Florida from North Carolina. It was a memorable time with her. We had car trouble and everything. We went to visit her brothers and one of her sons(Uncle Stevie).

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Of course!

We were all talking about George ending up in the girls room in the morning. Callie said, " George, you were just sleep walking." George said, "You were just sleeping, I was walking into your room."

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


While teaching the Young Women in my ward, George's teacher signals for me to come out of the class. I go out and she says "We had an accident." I pictured wet pants to begin with. She continues, "We were making paper eyeglasses in class and George was cutting out the center where the glass lenses would go. He then said, 'Since these glasses don't have glass in them we can call them a&&$@.' Someone in the class laughed and then he realized what he had said and started crying. He is really upset." My poor George is so sensitive to his feelings. It took some comforting but he got over it.

It reminds me of when Gina was little and had a birthday party. My parents were at BYU and living in "happy valley". She was trying to unwrap a present and couldn't get the wrapping paper off. She says with frustration, "I can't get this d%$# wrapping paper off." Correct me if I'm wrong but I think she was 3 years old.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Aunt DiDi's models

Diannah dressed the girls and put make-up on them for a little photo shoot. It doesn't look like the girls were fighting the process.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Ginger's chicken pox

She couldn't forget about her eyeshadow and lipstick.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Thanks for coming Aunt DiDi!

On Monday Carson and Callie had their first Junior Golf tournament. It was held at the McCloud golf course about 20 minutes from where we live. It is a really neat program here. In June they 6 golf clinics teaching them different skills. Then for the next 5 weeks on Monday afternoons they have tournaments around the area. They are learning all the etiquette for the game which is really nice. It cost $40 dollars for the first child then $20 for any additional siblings and will not go over $80 for a family. And with a family our size that is always good. George will do it next year after he is 8. Also if they don't have clubs they will take old ones and cut them down for the children. So they got clubs as well. Carson and Callie are really enjoying it. They were excited to have Aunt Diannah here for their first tournament. They did pretty well. Although, I don't know how they compared to some others out there. I guess we'll find out at the barbecue they have at the end of the summer.

I wasn't feeling very well that day so I thought I would rent a golf cart but they ended up letting me use one for free. It was really nice to have. I could only have one child at a time on it with me so we all had to take turns. I even let Diannah drive it for awhile.

The lady(Christine) behind Carson was our score keeper. Her daughter to the right was also competing. She knew a lot about golf and things so I am sticking with her throughout the other tournaments. I am learning a lot. I did a little golf course in high school but that was so long ago.

On our way back from taking Aunt Diannah to Sacramento to catch her plane home we stopped at rest area to give Laika a potty break. It takes us three hours to get to the airport and three hours back plus a little running around we did between stops, we were in the car for about 8 hours total. It was a long day but it was SO nice to have Aunt Diannah come visit. Diannah is probably exhausted from her travels. I'm just glad we had lots to do with her. After we dropped Diannah off we were looking for somewhere to eat but all the food places looked unappetizing in the heat until we spotted JAMBA JUICE. The kids let out huge screams of excitement. Coming out of our little town for a little while is exciting to see all the options we have. We love Jamba Juice. We got our little treat then we headed on the road. About 1o minutes down the road we hit construction traffic for a hour. Not fun! But we watched all the dragon flys that were out and enjoyed our little Jamba treats. I didn't mention that the realtor for the house we are renting showed the house while we were gone so before we left that morning we had to have the house spotless. That was not fun but it was nice to come home to a clean house. We also got a call from the Elders while we were on the road and we were suppose to feed them so David feed them left overs in the frig. We made it home in time to have a prayer with them and for the kids to burn some energy playing with them for a few minutes.

Here is another helicopter that we saw in flight on our way home. Pretty cool!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Aunt Dizzle in da hizzle!

On our way down to pick up Aunt Diannah from Sacramento, CA.

The fires are still around.

Here are some of the heroes to fight the fires.

Sleepy Lucy.

Waiting for Aunt Diannah at the airport. That's a lot of lost luggage!

The support beam in the airport.

The orange sky from the fires on our way back. A couple of hotels had several fire trucks outside of it. I can't imagine fighting fires in the 100 dregree temperatures we have had.

The next day we went to a lavender farm near here. They have a very short season so we were glad we were able to make it.

Diannah and Ginger harvesting lavender. They have the parasols there to use. The kids loved them as you can tell in the following pictures.

Even the boys got into parasols. The John Deere helped to balance things out.

Pretty little girls in lavender. We got to taste some lavender lemonade while we were there. They sold the lavender 100 stems for $3. It was very relaxing to smell all the lavender.

On Saturday we went to the carnival that was a mile from our house. The kids rode and rode and rode rides. Lucy loved it. She really liked "the Scrambler". She was asleep within seconds of getting in the car.

Here are some fun pictures. I'll finish later.

Friday, July 04, 2008

I spy Brianna

David was looking through the Korean Liahona(pg. 25) and found this picture with Brianna in it. She is the forth from the left. David served in the Bishopric with her dad. At the same time I was Primary president and Brianna would come over early on Sunday mornings to watch our children and help them get ready while David and I attended our meetings. I'm sure Brianna has a room full of blessings waiting for her. Thanks Brianna!

Thursday, July 03, 2008

4th of July ward barbecue

This is the view of Mount Shasta covered in smoke. It doesn't smell like fire, there is just the haze around in the sky.
This is of Mount Shasta from our house a couple of days ago.
This is a clear picture of Mount Shasta in February from our house.
Okay, now the ward barbecue. This is the carrot cake that I made. It is the recipe of my great-grandmother. A recipe that is close to it is on youtube. I didn't add any baking powder. It turned out really yummy.
I tried to get a picture of the inside because it had such a nice color to it. It was hard to do when I cut it there. The next potluck I will do it in a 9x13 pan. But I got some compliments on the cake, mostly by middle aged brothern. One brother let me now that I was on his "I will eat what they bring to a potluck" list. I think we all have one of those lists.
Here is Lucy's little friend, Josiah.
Carson and our Bishop. I couldn't pass up this picture.
The water balloon launch. I remember a ward party in Germany, when I was about 7, that turned into a full blown water fight with a hose and all. I remember people getting drenched.

Ginger is our animal lover. She and Lucy have no fear. We have been teaching our dog "no bite" by clamping its mouth closed and saying "no bite". Ginger had no problem doing the same to this big dog. Sis. Houser, the owner, was shocked.