Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Tagged again

Each player answers the questions themselves. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment letting them know that they’ve been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answers.

The Five

Ten years ago…
1. We were fighting bees in our in our 3rd floor Wymount Terrace apartment at BYU. They were coming out of the fan in the bathroom. Carson got stung once. It lasted for a few months because they couldn't tell where they were coming from. BYU housing thought we were crazy because the bees would come out a couple at a time.
2. Carson was about to turn 1.
3. I was getting over morning sickness with Callie.
4. David had started classes at BYU and working at the MTC.
5. Carson and I would watch "Little House on the Prairie" every night a 6pm on KBYU just before bed. Carson would go to bed without a peep at 7pm. He was a dream baby.

Five things on today’s “to do” list…
1. Garbage day!!!
2. Clean, clean, and clean some more.
3. Go to the lake with some friends this afternoon.
4. Find a babysitter for tomorrow so I can get my hair done.
5. Go to bed earlier.

Five snacks I enjoy
1. Oreos
2. bowl of cereal
3. ice cream
4. chips and a soda
5. cucumbers and carrots with ranch

Five things I would do if I was a millionaire…
1. Give a million to each of my family members and David's family.
2. Put some away for our future and our children's future
3. Buy some land and build our dream house
4. Invest
5. Donate to the church and other charities

Five places I have lived…
1. Oregon,
2. Portugal,
3. Germany,
4. Korea,
5. North Carolina, and a few other places.

I am tagging Gina, Audra, DeAnn, Cindy, and Rachel.


Amy said...

YEAH! you did it. I think it's fun to find out about people. Thanks for doing it.

Rachel said...

I just posted mine, that was fun!

Audra said...

i'm going to post mine tomorrow- thanks for blog topic! And dang girl--- you have lived in alot of places! Me not so much!