Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wood for the Winter

For the past month our family has been working on getting ready for the winter months ahead. This being our second winter here we know a bit more than last winter.
Carson, Callie, and George have helped a lot in splitting and stacking the wood. We bought the wood in rounds then borrowed a splitter to get it all split. That was a HUGE help!

This after it was all split. We brought some in the garage to keep it dry. There is still a lot outside that needs to be stacked. We have had some wet weather lately so we will finish that probably the week of Thanksgiving since the kids have the whole week off. We are supposed to have sunny weather till then so it can all dry out and we can get it covered.


Dennis said...

Good thing you have a large family - you and David would have had to have started last year to get all that wood stacked up. Looks like you'll be warm.

canihavethisdance said...

That reminds me of when we lived in Idaho and had a wood stove.
Our kids were great fire builders!

Gina said...

That's a lot of wood! Will it last you all winter?

Cindy said...

I am jealous. I love a nice warm fire that smells so beautiful.