Saturday, November 01, 2008

Halloween '08

I didn't get any pictures of the other kids but I did get one of this little witch sleeping on the job. We had quite a day. Lucy and I ran some errands early and then came home to have the power off for about 3 hours. The time I had set aside to make a pot of chili for a trick-or-treat get together later in the evening. Not getting that done, I went to pick up the kids to get Ginger to dance class while the others attended a party at the nursing home. After that I had one hour to come up with some chili. David saved the day by getting a pizza and taking the children without me and letting me stay home and rest.

Carson and Callie were both pirates, George was a teenage mutant ninja turtle that we borrowed from a neighbor, Ginger was Cinderella, Lucy was a witch, and David was a referee.


Gina said...

You mean you don't have a 72-hour chili-making kit for emergencies? Glad you survived another Halloween.

Callie said...

I guess I could have gone downstairs to get the camp stove. That would have been a better story.

Hollie said...

There is just something about Halloween and chili that go together.

Oh, and I love that you have Crazy, by Pasty Cline on your music. That's always been a favorite of mine:)