Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A First!

Since moving to California we felt our first earthquake tonight. It was small because the kids couldn't even tell. It was still really weird. I felt like things were shaking for a while after it. The tremor is probably from the Reno, NV shakes that have been happening. We are about 3 hours from there. It makes me wonder how the Ceo in Reno is holding up!

*update*After looking a little more I found this website that lists the recent earthquakes in California and Nevada. The one we felt was the 5.2 magnitude at 8:03pm near Willow, CA.
The Verdi-Mongul, NV earthquakes are the ones close to Reno.


Anonymous said...

Gotta love those earthquakes! I've been in a few and yeah, it's really weird. We were in one in Japan that was 6.2... scared the heck out of me.

Team Pettijohn said...

I read about that earthquake...looks like it was really pretty close to you guys. Crazy...we never felt one when we were in Monterey. Hey...there are some people named Furners in our ward and they know your parents pretty well. They may have even been at your wedding. Small world isn't it? Well we miss you guys!

Rachel said...

A long time ago Alan went to California for work. He was there one week and got to feel an earthquake. He was pretty far from the center, but it was still pretty strong.

Cindy said...

Earthquakes are fun.....as long as they are small!

Amy said...

So how's it "SHAKEN" out there. HA HA :) I'm sorry I'd rather be in a tornado than and earthquake...call me crazy. Hope you guys are alright.