Friday, April 11, 2008

T-ball, Softball, and Baseball season has begun

We signed up George for t-ball, Callie for softball, and Carson for baseball this Spring. I feel like I have been living out of the car since the season began.

Our schedule goes something like this. On Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday we usually don't go home after school because of gas, which is $3.87 a gallon today. We go up to the church and sit in the car to do homework. I have a key if we need to use the restrooms. With Lucy in training it is helpful.

This is outside the church and some of the snow that is left over from January.

I only have pictures of George so far. Last Tuesday he got hit in the eye with the ball. I think someone was throwing the ball to him. He's fine. I was picking up Carson and Callie from choir when it happen.


4:30 Carson baseball


3 - 4:30 Carson and Callie choir
4:30 - 5:30 George t-ball practice
6 - 7 pm Callie softball practice


6:30 - 7:30 Carson and George scouts(its a local troop so they have Tiger scouts for George)
7pm - 8:30pm Callie, Ginger, and Lucy go to YW with me, which they love doing


4:30 - 5:30 George t-ball practice
4:15 - 5:15 Carson and Callie piano lessons
6 - 7 pm Callie softball practice


4:30 - 5:30 Carson baseball practice

The schedule turned out better than I thought. I was worried that Carson and Callie's practices would be scheduled the same time as piano and choir. Ginger and Lucy love being able to play in the dirt and run around. Its fun to be out in the Spring weather soaking up the sun.


Unknown said...

Looks fun... and busy!

Shannon B. said...

Ms. Amanda - You amaze me!! I am impressed with your skills at scheduling. Sorry about the gas prices. That's icky. We haven't broken $3.50 yet, for which I am grateful. The girls and I are diggin out the bikes this summer, though!

Team Pettijohn said...

That's a pretty serious schedule!!! If I have a couple appointments during the week, it's a big week for me. :-) It gets me excited to see what things our kids will be into someday. We heard your kids have been able to spend some time with Maizy recently...we're so glad that you think about her when you visit. It's hard being so far away for so long, so we're grateful she still gets a chance to be around family. Take care and tell everyone hi from us.

Amy said...

Fun times ! My time is coming in 2 months with football. I like it . It keeps them busy and out of mischief.

Deb said...

I'm worn out just reading that schedule! ;)

Audra said...

Sounds eerily familiar! I can definitely relate!