Sunday, April 27, 2008

Tag! Whose it?

I've been tagged by my friend Kori to answer some questions about one of my favorite subjects,


**warning** I like to kiss and tell ;-)

What is your husbands name? David

How long have you been married? 11 years

Who eats more sweets? We both love 'em but his favorites are baked sweets. His parents are bakers.

Who said I love you first? He did. It was in the wee hours of the morning and I drove David to the airport in Fayetteville, NC. He was to go to Alaska for some winter weather military training. We were sitting in the termial waiting for everyone to board. He leaned over, kissed me on the cheek and whispered "I love you" in my ear.

How old is he? 35 and he's accomplished so much in those years.

Who is taller? He is.

Who is smarter? I took a poll. Carson said me.(Because I am on the computer a little bit more than Dad) Callie said me.(Because I know the kids better when they are being sneaky) George said me.(Because Dad doesn't remember some stuff) Ginger said me.(Because I have great feelings) And Lucy said me. We'll have to see what they say when David asks them.

Who can sing better? Its about even.

Who pays the bills? I do.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do.

Who mows the lawn? That would have to be me, which I enjoy doing. He does it when he has time.

Who cooks dinner? I do. He likes to make breakfast and he does a wonderful job at it.

Who drives? He does.

Who kissed who first? I guess he did because he asked if he could kiss me. It was my first kiss and I had been anticipating it for 20 years. After we kissed and I was still basking in "my first kiss" he asked if we could do it again. I thought to myself in amazement, "I get a second kiss."

Who asked who out? He asked me out. He called me on a Saturday afternoon to talk. We talked for awhile and then he asked if I had eaten. I said no. He asked if I wanted to go get something to eat with him. I was like, okay. He said he'd be over in about 15 minutes. I hung up the phone and ran around trying to be presentable in 15 minutes. He was right on time and I was still stressin'. As we headed to the car, I tripped on the gardenhose. I didn't fall but it was embarassing. Then my mom yells out the door, "Put some lipstick on, you look pale!" Thanks mom!!!! We had a nice dinner.

Who has more siblings? I do. I have 7 and he has 3.

Who wears the pants? We both do.

What is his "Love Language"? Quality Time (here is a 30 second assessment)

Well, that was fun! I tag my sister, Gina, my cousin, DeAnn, and my friend, Kamy.


Kori said...

Amanda-that was so fun to read! What a smart idea to take a poll! AND, thanks for the link to the Love Language test online. That is great! Dana was my first kiss too! It is so worth waiting for the right one!

Audra said...

you two are soooooo cute!