Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Carson's fancy swinging

Carson never played baseball before this Spring. He goes to the trials to see what team he'll go on. He gets up to home plate, swings the bat hard, taps his shoes to get the dirt loose, and adjusts his hat. I'm surprised he didn't spit. Anyway, here is Carson in a game from last week showing some of his fancy moves and sliding into 1st base.


Team Pettijohn said...

I love it!!! He must be watching the pros in his spare time. I love baseball and softball and hope our girls give it a try when they get older...we will see. Right now it looks like Hazel will be doing some kind of hip hop dancing...lol. Tell Ginger we were very impressed with her accessorizing...she may have a future there! :)

Gina said...

That is awesome! I wish you could have gotten a closer shot. I like how thoroughly he dusts himself off after sliding into first. :) Go Carson! And good on you, Amanda, for getting your kids out there to play!

Nick + Liz said...

Wish we could have been there! I need to take some pointers from Carson (great job) and Callie. I am playing softball again (4 years later and age 40 soon). The first 3 games I pulled lots of muscles and strugled to walk, not to mention play ball in the next games. I wrapped my legs, used muscle jels and took lots of ibuprofen. We still have not won a game yet, but we are having fun.