Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Baseball practice

Look at Mount Shasta in the back ground! Awesome!

After school yesterday, while waiting for Callie and Carson to finish up with choir, George, Ginger, Lucy, and I went to practice some baseball. I thought this was a cute picture of Ginger. She looks tough! She is no where near tough. She said to me later in the day, "its going to be so sad." I asked her, "What's going to be sad?". She replied, "Its going to be so sad when I move away and get married." A little later she says, "I wonder what my husband is going to look like." Although she has professed to me that she is going to marry Jonah from Lincoln, NE. There is no stopping this girl. Boys watch out!
We also found a frog in the leaves beside our house. We couldn't catch it though. It really is a small frog that I zoomed in on but check out its left hind leg, how it stretches.


Nick + Liz said...

Have you heard the song by Rodney Atkins, "Cleaning This Gun (Come On In Boy)"?

Unknown said...
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