Monday, May 12, 2008

I'm it again!

My friend Kamy decided to tag me back this time with a different questionnaire.

Ten years ago... In the summer of 1998 we were living in a basement apartment under Kamy in Provo, UT. David had just started BYU and Carson was crawling around. I was feeling the thrills of morning sickness with Callie.

Things on my Monday to do list:
1. Clean up the house from Sunday
2. Get baseball uniforms ready for games
3. Go to the bank
4. Go to Carson's baseball game
5. Welcome home my husband who went to Sacramento on Sunday for business

What would I do if I had a billion dollars:
1. Give a million to each of my family members
2. Give a million to each of my fellow bloggers
3. Invest some
4. Buy some land and build our dream house
5. Put some away for our future and our children's future
6. Donate to the church and other charities

3 of my bad habits
1. Not drinking enough water.
2. Eating after the kids go to bed(ice cream).
3. Going to bed to (too) late and not getting up as early as I should.

Places I've lived...
Utah x3, Kentucky, Florida, Germany, New Jersey, North Carolina x2, Texas, Colorado, Idaho, Tennessee, Terceira, Sao Miguel, Santa Iria De Azoia (near Lisbon, Portugal), Korea, Oregon x2, Montana, Nebraska, Missouri, and California.

Jobs I've had...
1. filed invoices for Bolle' America Inc. in Denver, CO
2. worked the front counter at a dry cleaners
3. daycare worker
4. server at Shoney's
5. babysitter
6. receptionist
7. worked at my in-law's bakery
8. homemaker

5 things most people don't know about me...
1. I attend cosmetology school for about a month when I was barely pregnant with Carson
2. At the end of my senior year of high school each department gave an award to a student and
I got the one from the Home Economics Dept.
3. I fell asleep on the beach once and got really burnt on the back of my legs. They were purple. I also passed out to the ground from heat exhaustion because of it.
4. I severed my Achilles tendon in the 8th grade while horsin' around at a church dance. My cousin and I were taking turns pushing each other on the thing that carries the portable stage. I jumped off to soon once and the front edge ran into the back of my heal. After surgery I spent 1 month in a full leg cast and 2 months in a half leg cast. To this day it is hard for me to walk in front of a grocery cart, for fear of being hit.
5. One of my companions on my mission told me she hated me. That was a long and unproductive day!
6. I thought of one more. While at Ricks I had a roommate from Oregon that I thought was a
little strange and I said I would never go to Oregon. Then I met David who is from Oregon
and I've lived there twice. Never say never!! I've said the same thing of California before too.

Thanks Kamy, that was fun. I can't believe its been ten years since we lived next to each other.

I am going to pass this on to whomever would like to do it.

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