Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Spring Choir Concert

Carson and Callie had their Spring choir concert this past Wednesday. Wednesday is usually my night for Young Womens, and another leader has a child in the choir, so we had all the YW go to the concert. They were able to mark off a goal for their personal progress.

The concert was nice. Its really funny to watch all these 8, 9, 10, and 11 year olds try to stay still. Carson had a moment when he buttoned his top bottom and pretended to be Joseph Smith by lifting his collar. He played with his collar during a whole song. I so badly wanted to go up and "straighten" him out.

I video taped the whole thing on our camcorder. During one of the breaks between songs I was focusing on Callie. The girl behind her in the picture below with the dot on her head was talking about Callie behind her back. Of course I couldn't hear anything but you could tell by the girl's hand motions she was not happy with Callie. The girl was talking to a girl next to her about pulling her hair and really glaring at Callie. I wish it was digital so I could share it. In the car on the way home I was questioning Callie to see what had happen. I didn't tell her anything about what I had seen. She said that the girl was singing the wrong chorus and so the "teacher" that Callie is corrected the girl and I guess the girl didn't like it.

At the end of the concert there was a table of finger treats and lemonade. I made some brownies.

1 comment:

zopopee said...

i thought i was looking at harrison for a minute. he had his kindergarten concert last week and had the same expression as carson. he kept smoothing his hair with his hands, the whole time. looks like carson doesn't have to worry about that.