Thursday, May 15, 2008

He loves to keep me on my toes.

When we were first married I came home from Enrichment meeting to find that David had shaved his head bald.

Seven years ago I sent David to the store to get some diapers and he came back with diapers and a new computer.

This past Tuesday my cell phone died early in the afternoon and I didn't have a car charger, so I couldn't talk to David till we got home from practices and choir at 7:30pm. Arriving home a few minutes after us, he then showed me where he had gone for the two hours since he got off work.

He bought a McNab puppy. Her name is Laika(like a). Carson got to name her so he chose the name of the first dog to go into outerspace. I didn't even know that a dog had gone into space. She had an owner for about a month and was called Sis or Sister so we gave her Sis as a middle name. Laika Sis(like a sis), we just call her Laika.


Gina said...

At least you have a big yard. :)

Audra said...

ahhh! too cute!

Cindy said...

Carson is too smart!